After the successful enactment of the Play "Adhe Adhure" written by Late Sri Mohan Rakesh, directed by Mr. Sandeep Mahajan and performed by the students of Acting Department in the Box Office amphitheater at IFTI Campus, a Special Enactment of the play, was held on 27th , 28th and 29th May at New Delhi and Gurgaon at Akshara Theater, India International Center and Epicenter, respectively. The packed auditoriums with very mature & intelligent theatre audience,spoke highly of the enthralling performance by these young actors for whom this was just the second performance of their lives.
Adhe Adhure depicts Savitri, a middle-aged working woman dissatisfied with her circumstances- an unemployed son, a promiscuous teenaged daughter, and above all a husband who has failed to provide her emotional and financial security.
The play attempts to understand the very purpose of life. Life is a journey, which is an expression of our long –standing perceptions. Every one of us is seeking and searching for the true happiness. The play speaks out about the vacuum of both men & women where they feel that they are still incomplete i.e. Adhe Adhure even after passing many years of their life.
The students Varsha, Anil, Raunak, Renu, Ali, Megha and Pramod all portrayed the mature characters played by them , with finesse, which shows the impeccable training they have received at the hands of veterans from the theatre & film industry like Kanwarjit Paintal, Raza Murad, Rakesh Bedi, Adil Amaan, Alok Chatterjee and many more.
The guest of honour present at the event was veteran actor and HOD of Acting deptt at IFTI, Mr.K Paintal who has mentored the students to the level of performing outside the campus.Mr Paintal, is known for his comic excellence in around 400 hit films in the last 40 years, like “Satte Pe Satta”, “Jawani Diwani”, Raffuchakkar” to name a few.According to Paintal, “ Learning never ends for a student. But we at IFTI always endeavour to give the maximum to the students of Acting, so that they are prepared for the tough and challenging world of television and films, to perform and excel in whichever character they are playing.Therefore we give heavy physical training through Kalari, Martial Arts, Gym, Yoga and train them in the finer nuances of expressing themselves with imagination, improvisation and good body & action control.”
With the enactment of plays outside Meerut, IFTI aims to showcase the talents of its students outside Western UP and motivate them to excel in their fields and carve a niche.
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