

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Food For Thought....

I have always wondered, what do the students want these days? Do they want name, fame, success through short cuts...or do they want to follow their passion...through slogging, hard work, perseverance and proper guidance? What is the strategy that they are aiming to follow? Are they still clogged by the overpowering urge of their perants to do a 9-5 job, with a decent salary, a regular lifestyle, some security, and a non controversial life? To become engineers, IT professionals, Babus, Cops, do cushy corporate jobs with an MBA behind them....or they are looking beyond all this?

For any youngster, choosing a career is a mind boggling game starting right after they pass Xth do or not to do...that is the follow their folks' strict instructions, to walk on the path of their parents' twinkling sweat and pant and stand in queues to fill yet another form for some inane competition or the other...but what for?

To crib...and fret...and feel tired after each and every boring slogging day at count the cash that is left in the bank by the end of each month...and to wistfully look at all those people who are happily persuing their passions..and enjoying a job , that they LOVE?

Be it a physical trainer, Yoga Guru, Art of Living Expert, Environmentalist, Radio Jockey, Sound Recordist, Dance Director, al?

I think, the parents of 80s generation need to condition themsleves to let their children help them choose whatever they wish to....with a focussed guidance and motivation from them. If the guardians guide the children, about their careers based on their potential, passions and forte...we might have more passionate pilots, bankers, cops.....and definitely more passionate Radio Jockeys and Film makers as well!

Someone has rightly said~

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart.

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